Youth & Family

Hello Parents & Guardians!  Welcome to ONE Youth for Christ! With school right around the corner, we wanted to send out our fall ONE Youth calendar and inform you of all the opportunities available for the 7th – 12th grade students! ONE Youth is a collaboration of United, Peace and Messiah Lutheran churches. Each of the following youth activities are open to ALL students, 7th – 12th grade, whether they go to one of these churches or not. We want everyone to know they are welcome, so we ask you to please help share this information with others you know who would be interested. Our mission with each of these fall activities is to empower our youth to: KNOW God, GROW in faith, SPEAK truck, SERVE with love, and LEAD others to do the same.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

CONFIRMATION: 7th – 9th graders, Peace Lutheran church on the 2nd, 3rd , and 4th (and one 5th) Wednesday of the month. 3:30 p.m. – 5:15 p.m. Students can walk to Peace after school. When the weather gets colder, we will update you on transportation. After confirmation, students can be picked up at the church or walk back to the school to catch the late buses that will go to Hoffman and Elbow Lake. A snack will be provided.

HS YOUTH GROUP: 10th – 12th graders, Peace Lutheran Church on the 2nd and 4th (and one 5th) Wednesday of the month, Starting at 5:45 p.m. Bring a friend! Dinner will be served. Other opportunities may include special fun events, mission trips, volunteer opportunities, etc.

EARLY RELEASE DAYS: 7th – 12th graders – First Wednesday of the month We will meet at Peace Lutheran church at 12:45 p.m.—students that don’t drive can walk over after school is released at 12:30 p.m. We will be finished at 3 p.m. at which time students can be picked up at Peace or walk back to the school for practice. Each month, we will have different volunteer opportunities that will help our community. Grant county food shelf, Knights Closet, packing backpacks, making blankets for the nursing home, etc. If you have any ideas of projects we can work on, please let us know!

BREAKFAST CLUB: 5th – 12th grade – One Friday a month at Peace Lutheran Church. Serving breakfast from 7:10 a.m. – 8 a.m.

RUBY’S PANTRY: 7th – 12th grade Volunteer opportunity. 3rd Monday of the month at Peace Lutheran Church. Set up starts at 4:30 p.m. If you have practice or work, you can show up anytime before we start distribution at 6 p.m. When you arrive, please sign in inside the church and grab a neon vest to wear. JH MISSION TRIP: 7th- 9th grade – November 10th- 12th Registration has closed, and we are thrilled to have 34 JH kids signed up to go on this mission trip to the Twin Cities! If your child signed up, please watch for details regarding meetings beforehand and details on the trip.


CONFIRMATION CELEBRATIONS: United and Peace will be celebrating their 10th grade students that have completed confirmation this fall. All are encouraged to join the service and celebrate these kids!

October 15th Peace Lutheran Church Confirmation at 10:30 a.m. service.

October 29th United Lutheran Church Confirmation at 9 a.m. service.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to the ONE Youth committee members. For all updates, please follow our Facebook and Instagram pages.  You can also get updates on the REMIND app by following ONE YOUTH GROUP—class code is @oneyouthgr.

We are looking forward to a great fall and can’t wait to see all the ways God is moving in this community!

ONE Youth Committee:

  • Natalie Hanson                 701-730-6760
  • Chelsey Anderson            218-507-0114
  • Marisa Sabolik                  320-815-3006
  • Steph Nelson                    218-689-0688
  • Tracy Hedstrom               320-304-0355
  • Kristel Olson                     218-770-3690
  • Theron Jeppeson             320-760-7247