This committee plans the music, scripture, and visual enhancement of each service at United.
- We meet weekly to plan an agenda according to the scripture readings.
- We have many members of United willing to read the scriptures and prayers of intercession during worship services. Sunday school students also read from the Sparks Story Bible each week and sing during worship on occasion.
- We have an Adult Church Choir and this group averages twenty singers and has rehearsal each Sunday morning at 9:00am. The choir sings during the service usually twice a month. They also sing at special services like Christmas Eve Service and Easter Sunday service.
- Several musicians volunteer by leading as cantor, assisting the congregation in song.
- We appreciate all who give of their time and talent to make worshipping at United a meaningful part of each week.
- Worship Committee Members include Pastor Jean Ohman, Beth Pikop, Jay Johnson, Rita Meyer and Natalie Hanson.