Buildings & Grounds Committee

The Buildings & Grounds Committee is responsible for all matters related to the maintenance of the church property belonging to the congregation.

  • The Committee shall assist the congregation in obtaining property that is needed for the total mission of the church, including facilities for worship, education, and other mission goals of the congregation.
  • Supervise the maintenance of church property.
  • Annually review the insurance policy of the congregation and make recommendations to the Board of Trustees
  • Provide for the maintenance of the parsonage.
  • Arrange for mowing of the church lawn, snow removal in the church parking lot and the parsonage. Planting of flowers and shrubs on the church property, making sure they are watered during the spring and summer. In the fall, we cut them back to be ready for the winter season.

New Projects 2022

  • We have replaced all the windows in the church, except the stained-glass windows in the sanctuary.
  • We also had the parsonage roof replaced, due to the tornado and strong winds, in early summer.
  • In the past few years, we have replaced 2 doors with push bars to be able to exit the church when it is locked.
  • In 2023, we will be replacing another door outside of the kitchen.


We are always maintaining the building. We do a walk through and survey it to see if there are new projects that need our attention.


The Committee consists of six members each serving a staggered two year term, with at least one additional member from the Board of Trustees.