United Lutheran Church Women



The United Lutheran Church Women of Elbow Lake invites all women to be a part of our work in the church, community and beyond. The purpose statement of the Women of the ELCA is as follows: “As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world.”

The ULCW are involved in many different activities at ULC:

  • We meet monthly for Bible study.
  • Our United Quilters make quilts for the high school seniors and baby blankets, for our newly baptized, with their name and baptismal date sewn on them.
  • We have a Soup & Sandwich fundraiser in the fall and a Spring Tea Luncheon in May. Donations are given to an organization in our community.
  • We put together school kits and fabric kits for Lutheran World Relief.
  • Yearly Mitten Tree Mission where we collect warm hats, scarves and mittens for community members in need.
  • Operation Merry Christmas is a program where we deliver Christmas cookies to the seniors in our congregation.
  • The women do a Thank offering service in October and the offering collected is sent to the National WELCA to help fund projects and missions.


There are many more fun and exciting activities we participate in.Throughout the year we are involved with our church, community, and synod conference.

You are all invited to take part in the joy of serving our neighbors.

New ideas are always welcome!